
Introducing " The Echo Content"

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Hi Everyone:

I'm often asked what I mean with my Blogger title, "What Took so Long?" At the time I wrote that article, my primary reference was the Wall Street wasteland, post March, 2000 that is.

You see, I left Wall St. after 19yrs. because I was ashamed of the greed & dishonesty that prevailed then & for decades before 1988. So by Y2K it became too painful to watch & bear, so on 2/29/00 I decided to cash in some of my investments (some rollover IRA $$ too) & I purchased for CASH (Never paid cash for a car before this purchase!) purchased a new Crown Victoria for my wife of over 45yrs, & as those of you who know, the "NASDAQ Bubble Burst" in March, 2000 & the rest of this factual story is a sad, sad retelling of history!

For the next 15yrs I have delved deeply into the Wellness/Nutrition craze (Crazy if you ignore this next Trillion $$ industry I mean!) & I've been rewarded with super health gains ever so gradually, with only a myocardial infarction (heart attack) episode in July, '94! It was established that I had a birth defect in my left ventricle artery I believe it's called, & what little plaque there was in my system sort of "hung out" at this near right angle in my artery (We call it "the wrong angle" in polite company, sigh). I never lost consciousness, no elephant like pressure was on my chest, just an uneasiness or internal discomfort, bad heartburn & some left jaw numbness was evident, so I took my MD's advice & went to the ER, but I drove myself, dumb as that reads. God watched over me, & as I was checking in, another spasm began & I was "Code Blue" material, with 6 dedicated trauma RN's & technicians all over my bod. Filipino nurses were abundant on this shift, & they were great, so compassionate, talented & life savers would be a fair assumption. The cardiologist that my MD called was too far t/b there with me, but he directed the triage team, headed up by Dr. Buffalo, another angel of mercy. Dr. Tenet is the brother of the current CIA/Top Gun that heads up Pres. Bush's Intl security force, & to make this fact even more unusual, the first Cardiologist that treated me here in Melbourne, Fla was from Argentina & a classmate of Dr. Tenet in medical school. How's that for a "small world" wonder?

Since I had great Indemnity Health insurance coverage, I was given TPA & bye-bye blood clot forever!
In the 9 some odd years that have passed, my health continues to improve, astonishing my MD's, my family & I guess me too! (I practically walk off the Stress Test equipment with little physical effort & no heavy breathing either!)

My 62 yrs of chronic asthma has been in permanent remmission since '98, but was hardly a chronic problem from '94 on due to my nutraceutical therapy. (My body stores up extra homocysteine, even today), & I must take V6, V12 & Folic Acid supplements daily, plus TMG (Trimethylglycine). Another name for this condition is simply "inflamation" which also affected my cholestrol ratio, & had me flirting with diabetes II until UltraBioMinn became my mineral supplement of choice.

I may only have had "Syndrome X" instead of full-blown D II, but most MD's pay little attn. to Syndrome X, a pity I fear. I've also lost well over 25lbs on "Carbs Away Plus" & the best Plant Enzymes I could find online. So far that w/b PhytoBioForte Super Enzymes out of the Greenwood Health Systems, the same company that formulates UltraBioMinn.

Here is a neat, informative website for your perusal:

More to follow!

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